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Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Seoul


For three generations, the primary mission of the Gracie Family has been to make the invaluable benefits of Gracie Jiu-Jitsuavailable to people everywhere. To accomplish this, the Gracie Academy headquarters in Torrance, California launched the Global Training Program aimed at perpetuating the techniques and principles of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in their purest form – as a method of self-defense.


As part of their program, the Gracie Academy has created its Instructor Certification Program (ICP), through which dedicated practitioners from all around the world have the opportunity and resources to become remarkable instructors, establish Certified Training Centers (CTC) all around the world, and join the Gracie Academy in preserving and perpetuating the gentle art. Accordingly Jason Park, head instructor of the Gracie Academy CTC in South Korea, established the first Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Certified Training Center in the heart of Seoul upon receiving his certification by the Gracie Academy in 2014.


Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is a relatively young martial art which, until now, lacked structure. In almost all jiu-jitsu schools, techniquesare presented in complete randomness, frustrating and confusing the students. In addition, rather than establishing standardized promotion guidelines, most instructors issue belt promotions based on wavering impulses, leaving the students feeling discouraged and demoralized.


Realizing that there could be no growth without structure, the Gracie Academy spent several years organizing all the techniques into an official and linear white-to-black belt curriculum for both kids and adults. For the first time ever, students can receive the kind of instructrion and education they would expect from an institution of higher learning. And students can now also experience at the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Certified Training Center in Seoul, Korea the exact same curriculum, integrity, and professionalism of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Torrance, California.



The advantages of joining a Certified Training Center include: 


1) Organized Curriculum

Having recently gained popularity (U.S. in 1990’s and Korea in 2000), Gracie/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu does not have a unified curriculum or standard of teaching and instruction. As such most academies operate under a “loose structure” whereby instructors rely on personal discretion to determine what is and what isn’t taught in their classes. Consequently many students end up learning jiu-jitsu techniques in random order.


2) Sport vs. Street Self-Defense

Confounding the issue of a missing curriculum is an over-emphasis on sport jiu-jitsu, which was popularized by sportive tournaments where strikes are not permitted. With the rising popularity of these tournaments, many academies have turned their focus (many times exclusively) to their students’ performances in competitions, leading to a dangerous disregard for real-life “street effectiveness.”


3) Attitude & Safety

Due to the amplification of competitions, many schools also encourage a very competitive and aggressive practicing of jiu-jitsu, which has led to the rise of a prevalent “tough-guy” environment catered to young and athletic males. Often times, students get injured during routine live sparring practices and the focus is turned away from those who rely on self-defense the most—the weak and frail.


To learn more about our in-depth programs, please visit our Programs page.


© 2014 by 그레이시 주짓수 서울


 서울시 서초구 서초동 1450-3 번지 (지하1층)

사업자 등록번호 : 214-14-57225

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